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Introducing the center
Tabriz health services management research center was established in 1996.  Its existence and central mission was promoting and developing health system managerial capacities and capabilities within national and regional scale. The main activities of the center are based on education, research and managerial consulting services. The center has international scientific and research collaboration with contiguous countries and World Health Organization. Expanding, coordination, planning and leading educational activities include the goals of the center within the framework of health system needs and providing health services.
Research unit started by expanding and internalizing practical research and now supports research proposals which are within the framework of center’s priorities by providing equipment and financial facilities. In this unit, issues such as preventing heart diseases, cancers, child environment safety, health and environment, hospital management and clinical governance, and promoting healthcare quality are addressed.
In this center, integrated researches regarding family medicine program, re-emerging diseases management, lifestyle modification, healthy water and clean air, and health insurance in health care services are conducted.
The research unit of the center addresses the health needs of different layers of the community by holding workgroups for school and university students and elderlies. The following is a brief for each section:
Elderly branch of the center:
Elderly population growth in the country requires planning and policy-making to promote health, welfare and different needs of the elderlies and improve their lifestyle. Since precise planning and policy-making in this context needs understanding about different dimensions of elderly population phenomena, needs and current situation. Therefore, expanding studies regarding elderlies require special attention.
In this respect, Tabriz health services management research center has started Aging Research Committee which is an interdisciplinary research group that will benefit from knowledge and abilities of the experts in the fields of medical sciences, management, psychology, sociology, economy, etc.
Aging Research Committee will try to preserve and promote the health of the elderlies and achieve Active Aging by conducting practical-scientific researches and presenting approaches and interacting with planners and policy-makers of health care, welfare and social security, city services, etc.
Students’ branch
Implementing steps for establishing students’ branch in Tabriz health services management research center have started. The main goals of this plan include:
1. Developing health-based researches among students
2. Promoting primary concepts of health such as “health promoting” and “healthy lifestyle” among students by themselves
3. Encouraging the participation of students to establish Health Promoting Schools
4. Getting the attention of Ministry of Education and affiliated research centers to conduct collaborative research plans
5. Promoting health knowledge of the students by performing health-based educational research plans using the potentials of peer-based educational approach

The selected method for implementing this plan and achieving the goals is as follows:
1. Educational and scientific collaboration for empowering students' research centers
2. Establishing health-based research cores in schools through students' research centers
3. Collaboration with students' research centers for choosing required research subjects and transferring them school' research cores
4. Collaboration with students' research centers to promote research knowledge and skills among students' research cores
5. Scientific, educational and technical collaboration for implementing students' projects and selecting best ones to present in scientific communities, publishing the articles and distributing awards among them

Tabriz health services management research center is prepared to collaborate with professors and researchers for conducting studies related to health management, planning and holding training courses for managers and publishing articles, books, and dissertations.

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